Sunday 5 May 2013

Alfie's Say

Hi there. It's me, Alfie. Ollie is pretty slack keeping up with his blog. Says Herself is too busy to help him, but the truth is that he hates it when she is on the computer, so he doesn't encourage her.

Funny about Ollie and Herself. He just dotes on her. Thinks she is the next best thing to a good bone. Everytime she gets on the computer or settles down to do one of her puzzles, he gets up on the couch and refuses to do anything until she has finished.  Now I like Herself a lot too, but really. There are plenty of better things to do than sulk.

Not so long ago, Herself went on a holiday to Bali and left us all at home.  Well, for the first two days Ollie did his usual thing - sulked and wouldn't talk to anyone.

But after a while he started taking an interest in life again.  We explored the garden and actually found a snake close to the house. Himself and Mark were  quite proud of us for not trying to play with it.

We helped in the garden - Ollie is a great hole digger and I am learning fast.

We fought over Mark's socks - he doesn't have a single sock without a hole - thanks to me!!

I checked out his lovely smelly old garden boots.

And of course I slept.

And we really didn't miss Herself one bit - well maybe just a tiny bit. We were all pleased to see her come home.

Alfie Needle

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